Guide to Passing the ATCL Piano Recital Diploma Exams!

What is ATCL Piano Recital Diploma Exam all about????

This is a guide with resources and pointers to prepare for the most basic ATCL piano Recital Diploma. Most of us, after passing ABRSM Grade 8, will be considering the Diploma Syllabus in our next phase of pianistic achievements. Here, I recommend ATCL(Recital) as the window and the stepping stone to other more sophisticated qualifications. ATCL is the first level diploma offered by the Trinity College Examinations Board.

Here is a copy of the latest exam syllabus

Pls read through it carefully. I will summarise the important feature of the exam:

1. Recital Exams only requires performance of a set of pieces, no scales, no sight reading, no aural tests, no verbal QnA

2. There is a long list ( check the syllabus ) of pieces to assimilate your program from. You can choose to play anything from the list as long as you can make the entire duration last somewhere 32-38 minutes. Timing is important!

3. Sensible choice of pieces is half of the battle. I will explain this further.

4. Candidates are to treat the exam like a professional Recital performance. (ie. Mini-concert) So, just imagine all the features you observe when you attend other pianists' recital concerts. You need to prepare a set of program notes, dressed in professional attire, carry yourself with a professional aura. To be perfectly professional, most pianists play from memory. But, you don't get penalized for playing with scores either. It is the overall impression you portray that matters.

This is an expensive exam to take. Do be fluent in your playing first before you register for the exams. This is different from the lower graded exams where you can register first to “push” yourself to practise harder. But still, it is one of the most fulfilling and the most forgiving diploma exam! It is stated that the expected level of playing is at first year of undergraduate studies in degree course. You are expected to be advanced and reasonably technically fluent player, but not virtuoso.

How to make time for practice

Practice makes perfect... but what if we have no time?

Young students would lament about tons of homework and tests, which forces piano practice to the backseat.  Older adults are probably often too exhausted at the end of day to focus and practise. So, how can we ever improve?  Does this mean we can never achieve perfection since we do not have much time to practise?

One strategy I find useful is, vary length of practice hours according to schedule and seasons, but make sure you play something EVERYDAY.  On days when you have more free time, stretch yourself with more difficult repertoire or longer pieces.  On days when you could barely keep your eyes open for 5 min, playing Mozart' "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" is enough to keep the musical brain cells in the brain alive.

Just like our bodies are controlled by hormonal cycles that surge and plunge according to time of the day and year, we should adjust intensity of piano practice according to time of the day and year as well. 

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